Our Blog

spearing a wahoo fish

  We take you to both sides of Baja: from our Magdalena Bay outpost to our resort. The goal is to create the most possible opportunities for holiday wahoo sashimi in November and December. Space is limited in Mag Bay, so our dates typically fill up quickly. Our caretakers, chefs, captains, and guides in Mag […]

swim with a whale shark

Amazing facts about the world’s largest fish and how YOU can swim alongside them with us.   Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about whale sharks, and how we can prepare the prefect trip for you this winter. Are they whales? Or are they sharks? They certainly can’t be both: one’s a mammal and the […]

mag bay petting grey whales

Palapas Ventana is your home for everything WHALE A hush fell over the panga. We knew they were nearby. I studied the surface of the water looking for any ripple, any sign of where the momma gray whale and her calf had gone. How could something so large disappear so quickly in the shallow, protected […]

sunrise in la ventana

We made the list. Now it’s up to you to get it done. We’ve put together the definitive list of can’t-miss, life-changing, adventurous and silly Palapas Ventana activities and traditions. We want to know if you’ve done them all, so share your pictures with us to @palapasventana on Facebook and Instagram, or let us know […]

  Jacques Cousteau once called the Sea of Cortez the “aquarium of the world,” and for good reason. Ocean currents sweep nutrients into the Gulf of California, while upwellings of rich waters serve up a tasty buffet to colorful reef fish and massive pelagic life.The result is an alignment of perfect conditions for scuba diving […]

kite boarding kite surfing la ventana at palapas ventana

La Ventana kite boarding is some of the best in the world. Don’t miss out this winter season! Find out how you can kite with us! In November, it begins. The Northwest wind is coming back to La Ventana. It’s so close you can taste the salt water. Just two months until ear-to-ear kite grins, […]

easy kiteboarding lessons la ventana

Take Lessons I know what you’re thinking: I’m fairly coordinated. I pick up new sports pretty quickly. I don’t mind trying to learn on my own – I don’t need lessons! I can tell you from first hand experience that this is not the way to go. No matter who you are or what your background, take […]

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