December Dive Photography in Baja
The last couple of months, we have had the distinct pleasure of hosting Allison and Carlos Estape as they have commenced their journey underwater in Baja. If you haven’t yet, please check out their work here
They have explored the Sea of Cortez and our backyard, Isla Cerralvo where Jacques Cousteau famously loved to dive. Even he probably didn’t see as much sea life as these two encountered.
Each one of their journeys beyond our resort had them coming back with fantastic new footage, great stories, and awe-inspiring conversations about what our surrounding area is blessed with. We are happy to host them any time, and hopefully their photos inspire you to come visit one of the most truly remarkable dive spots on the planet.

We are Baja’s Favorite Salt Water Adventure Resort!
For resort reservations and booking information, please email We were featured on the BBC!